Saturday, October 22, 2011

Time to say Goodbye

David Cameron will be in Brussels this weekend for talks on how to preventing a collapse of the euro.  According to reports in this mornings press Britain will tell European leaders that they have five days to save the world economy from catastrophe.  Meanwhile at home the conservative party are falling over themselves in an attempt to prevent a meaningful debate on whether the UK should

  1. Remain in the EU on substantialy the same terms as currently exist.
  2. Stay in the EU and attempt to reform the community.
  3. Leave the EU.
Given that:-
  1. The EU has brought the global economy to the very brink of catastrophe.
  2. That for at least two decades British politicians have been talking about reforming the EU from within.  A process that has achieved precisely nothing.
I am inclined to agree that there is little point in having the debate since there must surely be almost universal agreement that the UK should leave the EU.  There can only be a small minority of diehards who still think that the EU is a force for the good.  Shame that they all seem to be sitting in the House of Commons.

Best Wishes

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