Our receipts from the EU are a little over £8 billion making the UK a net contributor of £10.3 billion this year. In fact in not one single year during the past thirty years have we ever received back more than we paid in.
In addition to the standard EU contribution this year we have also agreed to pay an additional £22 billion in payments to the EU and to the IMF in order to bail out Ireland, Portugal and Greece. That is £40.3 billion of taxpayers money this year alone, in order to belong to a club most British citizens don't want to be members of and to support a currency we didn't join!
I was rather struck by the following simple and heartfelt plea posted on an Internet forum in response to this news story.
"Wasting our money and breaking promises! Well done, Dave! Lets print more money and borrow and borrow and give the EU even more! Your children will be OK Dave, but what about my children?
- Margita, London, 24/11/2011"I do hope Dave is listening, but fear that he isn't.
Best Wishes
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