- 'We need to know not just that the right numbers of people are coming here, but that the right people are coming here. People who will benefit Britain, not just those who will benefit by Britain.’
- ‘Importing economic dependency on the State is unacceptable. Bringing people to this country who can play no role in the life of this country is equally unacceptable. ‘
- ‘Everyone who comes here must be selected to make a positive contribution. We have talked in the past about a Points Based System. In the future it will be more accurate to talk about a contribution-based system.'
- ‘Whether you come here to work, study, or get married, we as a country are entitled to check that you will add to the quality of life in Britain. ‘
These would have been cracking good suggestions twenty five to thirty years ago but for almost three decades we have had both an open door policy towards immigration and allowed the European Union to control immigration from within the EU. As a result it is hard not ot conclude that these proposals are far too little, far too late. This particular horse bolted many years ago.
To have any chance of being effective in todays circumstances Mr Green would need to be proposing policies to take back powers to control our own borders from the European Union and for the forced repatriation of immigrants who abuse our hospitality. Neither of these is ever going to happen or indeed even be proposed. It is therefore hard to escape the conclusion that the role of our immigration minister is simply to provide the public with an illusion of activity and progress, nothing more.
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