Friday, May 7, 2010

A plague on both their houses

In many ways a disappointing result for the conservatives.  In simple terms labour's share of the popular vote was three or four percent higher than I predicted and the conservative's share was three or four percent lower.  The liberal democrat bubble vanished as expected.
I wonder if the conservatives should just walk away into opposition and waited; it would not take long, probably less than two years, before the whole pack of cards comes tumbling down.  The major problems for a labour/liberal democrat coalition are:
  1. Its a coalition without a working majority.
  2. There is a monumental economic crisis.
  3. The war in Afghanistan continues
  4. The social fabric of our country is creaking at the seams. 
These are labour’s problems; if the liberal democrats want to get into bed with all that soiled bedding, let them.  A quick fling amongst the filth and stench might seem tempting to a party thats been out in the cold for a long time but all the liberal democrats will get from new labour is a nasty disease.
Perhaps the electorate need to understand just how bad things are and how much worse they can get before they will be ready to elect a responsible government.  My advice to David Cameron is to pull back the bed covers on thirteen years of new labour, invite Nick Clegg to get in and then to turn and walk away. 
Your time will come another day.
Best Wishes

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