It's eve of poll, all the excitement is about to end and I decide to start a blog. Good timing Will!
First, before I forget my manners completely, welcome. Welcome anyone and everyone, (more likely to be anyone) to Will Standan's Diary. After thirteen years of utter misery and feeling sorry for myself, a new positive approach is called for; here in my diary I am hoping to engage positively, monitor progress, offer advice and ideas for our new big society.
Away from the keyboard it’s time to find a niche charitable role where I can contribute a few hours a week of my time and new found energy to help build a better Britain.
Tomorrow while we all vote, I will set the scene with two posts on where we have come from and where I hope we are going. I am confident that by close of polling tomorrow we will have delivered the desperately needed new start. So confident in fact that I am up and running with my diary twenty-four hours earlier than expected; hope I won't be disappointed.
Speak with you tomorrow.
Best Wishes
Saturday 7-Up
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