- MP's expenses: I seriously believed that there would be a day of reckoning. But due to the widespread level of fraud and deceit, it is hard to imagine how retribution and reform could have been less harsh or less effective. (Score, zero out of one.)
- A reforming conservative government: I felt certain that given the sheer scale of Blair and Brown's failures that the country would elect a conservative government which would reverse the growth in public sector spending, curb the excesses of the welfare state, reform health and education and look after our armed services. Wrong, no conservative government but instead a coalition government, pathetic or non existent reforms and higher taxes. (Score, zero out of two.)
- Bloody unrest in Europe: I fear the current euro crisis will lead to bloody unrest, possibly civil war or God forbid out right international war on mainland Europe. (Score, the jury is still out.)
Best Wishes
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