- I wasn’t using the ladders to clean windows. I carried them as therapy for my bad back.
- We don’t live together, he just comes each morning to fill up his flask.
- I had no idea my wife was working! I never noticed her leaving the house twice a day in a fluorescent jacket with a “Stop Children” sign.
- My wallet was stolen so someone must have been using my identity. I haven’t been working.
- I didn’t know I was still on benefit.
- I didn’t declare my savings because I didn’t save them. They were given to me.
- He lives in a caravan in the drive. We’re not together.
- He does come here every night and leaves in the morning and, although he has no other address, I don’t regard him as living here.
- It wasn’t me working. It was my identical twin.
- I wasn’t aware my wife was working because her hours of work coincided with the times I spent in the garden shed.
However, the job of driving through these changes is made more difficult by the government’s failure to act in a number of other areas.
- MP’s Expenses
- Bankers Bonuses
- Tax avoidance
- The wasteful European Union
"All those excuses seem better than that offered by multi millionaire David Laws MP who has helped himself to the best part of 100K.
Just hiding my gay lover whilst paying him mega bucks of public money as rent'
Some people believe whats good for the goose....
If you are a lying cheating politician or one of the elite - its sorry, oops, won't do it again, a 'mistake'."Meanwhile bankers who, when the gambling pays off keep the profits for themselves but expect the tax payers to bail them out when their gambling fails are back paying themselves eye wateringly large bonuses despite owing us all billions of pounds.
In the Alice in Wonderland world of European finance tens of billions is 'lent' to countries who have no hope of ever repaying the money. The EU is now well into it's second decade of auditors refusing to sign their annual accounts and details emerge of the euro elite chartering private jets, funding luxury holidays, hosting lavish parties and buying expense gifts all at our expense.
It takes a rare skill to make the public feel sympathy for benefits cheats but I do believe this government has succeeded. I leave you with one final thought posted on the Internet.
"All I can say is:
Don't ever put me on a jury involved in theft because I'm not going to find ordinary people guilty of a crime our elite can walk away from.
One law for all. No exceptions."Best Wishes
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