Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's only going to hurt if...

I have copied this entire post, word for word, from Old Holborn and make no claim to authorship at all.  
I just thought it was brilliant and wanted to share it with you.

Cameron is preparing the ground for a massive cut in public services and hopefully a reduction in our bloated state in order to reduce the deficit that 13 years of a psychotic Labour gave us. Bring it on I say. It will affect every man, woman and child he says, perhaps for decades. No it won't. Not me.

You will only "suffer" if:

You cannot play a game of football without AstroTurf or floodlights, courtesy of the Council and a £3m pitch to keep da Yoof happy. In every town and village up and down the land.
You really liked having an Olympic pool in your town, even though you never used it.
You need everything translated into Somali
You have decided Poles are the right people to pick carrots whilst you are the right person to sit on the sofa all day claiming benefits
You are so incapable as a parent, you need an army of hairy lipped sandalistas to do the job for you.
You are incapable of taking responsibility for your own behaviour and actions
You demand your child has one on one tuition at my cost because it's easier than teaching him not to stab anyone at school
You bought things to impress other people and can't make the payments
You got your job because you are unemployable in the private sector
Your lifestyle "choices" make you unemployable
You believe that astral gems and aromatherapy are really needed in remote Welsh villages
You are fat and demand I buy you a mobility scooter instead of hitting the salads
You think it is your right to be treated equally even though you are a convicted thief
You think it is the States job to feed you, house you and clothe you
You are a Communist and expect everything for nothing, like in the 70's.
You are Welsh or Scottish and used to living on handouts whilst drunkenly shouting abuse at the English, the ones paying for it all.

Luckily, like a few million others in this country, I am none of the above and I'll be just fine. I'll get by, selling my skills, growing some food, ignoring fashion and consumerism, making do and taking responsibility, brewing my own beer, cooking my own food, insuring my own health, repairing my own car, mowing my own lawn and raising my own family. I have never ever required the services of a Diversity Coordinator and neither have you. They won't be missed at all.

So before you all panic, just ask yourselves what exactly you require from a bloated parasitic State that eats up nearly £1 TRILLION a year of OUR money, stolen from our children? A war in Iraq? A guided bus system in your local town? Albanian speaking nursing assistants? A potato marketing board? A general teaching council? Traffic Enforcement Officers?

It would be immoral to hand the bill Labour has now presented us with to our children. They will gain no benefit from the last 13 years of collective insanity. The very least we can do is hand them a clean sheet to make their own mistakes, just as we were handed one 13 years ago. Oh, and if you have kids, teach them that two jumpers make perfectly adequate goal posts, no need for Nike trainers, astro turf and a sparkling new multimillion pound "leisure" centre.

I'm far from certain that the cuts are going to happen to the extent envisaged; as I have said before tax increases are so much easier to implement.  But I trust you enjoyed the thought that it might happen.
Best Wishes

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